Navigator of Ignorance

Private Blog for Eroticizing Intelligence

Dienstag, Juni 28, 2005

Google World Domination
Neues von meiner Lieblingsbörsenniederlage:
Google von 85 auf über 300 in grad mal einem Jahr.
Dazu gibts eine gute Einschätzung wie es weitergeht.
Einsteigen, einsteigen, einsteigen ;-)

Despite Google's 59.5% leap since March, to $287.84, 6 of 30 Google analysts still do not rate it a buy. Some are raising price targets, albeit timidly -- for example, to $360. This would deliver buyers today gains of a mere 25%. Chastened by our own profitless risk aversion, we issue this modest proposal: a target price of $3,600 a share.

BW: Tomorrow World Domination